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Quotas & Scores

2022-2023 Maltepe University Quota and Score Table is now available!

Base / Top Scores

  • Faculty of Education
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Mathematics Teacher Training (Paid) QNT 4 10 - -
    Mathematics Teacher Training (With Scholarship) QNT 4 3


    Mathematics Teacher Training (With 25% Discount) QNT 4 8 313.33604 281.279
    English Language Teaching (Paid) LANG 4 37 148.17425 153.789
    English Language Teaching (With Scholarship) LANG 4 7 432.60150 15.955
    English Language Teaching (With 25% Discount) LANG 4 10 298.95482 74.930
    Preschool Teachers Training (Paid) VERBAL 4 10 - -
    Preschool Teachers Training (With Scholarship) VERBAL 4 4 400.48069 20.904
    Preschool Teachers Training (With 25% Discount) VERBAL 4 10 308.82427 291.443
    Special Education Teacher Training (Paid) VERBAL 4 28 329.99961 182.060
    Special Education Teacher Training (With Scholarship) VERBAL 4 8 421.87581 8.100
    Special Education Teacher Training (With 50% Discount) VERBAL 4 23 347.22384 118.503

    *In order to be able to prefer a department (TR/EN) from the Faculty of Education, you must rank in top 300.000 in the relevant score type (LANG, EW, QNT or VERBAL). 

  • Faculty of Fine Arts
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Gastronomy and Culinary Arts (Paid) VERBAL 4 25 169.43468 1.532.291
    Gastronomy and Culinary Arts (With Scholarship) VERBAL 4 6 407.79899 1.5431
    Gastronomy and Culinary Arts (With 25% Discount) VERBAL 4 15 221.07623 1.137.527
  • Faculty of Law
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Law (With Scholarship) EW 4 6 429.34140 13.405
    Law (Paid) EW 4 25 - -
    Law (With 50% Discount) EW 4 29 338.40035 65.405

    * In order to be able to prefer Facult of Law in YKS 2020, you must rank in top 125.00 in EW score type.

  • Faculty of Communication
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Journalism (With Scholarship) VERBAL 4 3 353.22068 100.764
    Journalism (Paid) VERBAL 4 10 199.08618 1.356.830
    Journalism (With 25% Discount) VERBAL 4 7 193.20830 1.406.152
    Visual Communication Design (With Scholarship) VERBAL 4 6 390.89732 30.177
    Visual Communication Design (Paid) VERBAL 4 22 175.70434 1.513.498
    Visual Communication Design (With 25% Discount) VERBAL 4 16 177.88040 1.504.465
    Public Relations and Publicity (With Scholarship) VERBAL 4 6 359.30454 84.817
    Public Relations and Publicity (Paid) VERBAL 4 22 175.51076 1.514.218
    Public Relations and Publicity (With 25% Discount) VERBAL 4 14 173.41576 1.521.613
    Public Relations and Publicity (English) (With Scholarship) VERBAL 4 5 389.72103 31.494
    Public Relations and Publicity (English) (Paid) VERBAL 4 17 213.89353 1.213.821
    Public Relations and Publicity (English) (With 25% Discount) VERBAL 4 12 243.84785 881.947
    Radio, Cinema and Television (With Scholarship)  VERBAL 4 9 377.54688 48.231
    Radio, Cinema and Television (Paid) VERBAL 4 33 168.49848 1.534.191
    Radio, Cinema and Television (With 25% Discount)  VERBAL 4 19 195.42829 1.388.150


  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Psychology (Paid) EW 4 41 222.26291 1.253.555
    Psychology (With Scholarship) EW 4 10 396.12648 51.335
    Psychology (With 25% Discount) EW 4 19 268.31666 683.274
    Psychology (English) (Paid) EW 4 33 198.52086 1.590.251
    Psychology (English) (With Scholarship) EW 4 9 411.54596 29.475
    Psychology (English) (With 25% Discount) EW 4 18 250.74718 876.779
    Social Work (Paid) EW 4 5 168.61764 1.845.874
    Social Work (With Scholarship) EW 4 3 291.13026 478.473
    Social Work (With 25% Discount) EW 4 12 185.61494 1.743.766
    Sociology (With Scholarship) EW 4 3 327.93885 249.538
    Sociology (Paid) EW 4 8 183.96333 1.759.722
    Sociology (With 25% Discount) EW 4 9 168.93372 1.845.103
  • Faculty of Business Administration and Management
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Business Administration (With Scholarship) EW 4 5 334.27753 220.810
    Business Administration (Paid) EW 4 18 229.83121 1.147.239
    Business Administration (With 25% Discount) EW 4 12 245.95552 935.273
    Political Science and International Relations (With Scholarship) EW 4 4 342.11325 189.181
    Political Science and International Relations (Paid) EW 4 12 194.04186 1.648.299
    Political Science and International Relations (With 25% Discount) EW 4 10 221.94899 1.257.941
    International Trade and Logistics (With Scholarship) EW 4 4 347.05273 171.285
    International Trade and Logistics  (Paid) EW 4 14 244.26095 956.176
    International Trade and Logistics  (With 25% Discount) EW 4 13 262.46296 744.464
    International Trade and Logistics (English) (With Scholarship) EW 4 5 368.29280 108.808
    International Trade and Logistics (English) (Paid) EW 4 18 266.60029 700.862
    International Trade and Logistics (English) (With 25% Discount)
    EW 4 15 277.47892 595.052


  • Faculty of Architecture and Design
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Nautical Design (With Scholarship) QNT 4 5 363.31260 164.018
    Nautical Design (Paid) QNT 4 16 218.03551 959.044
    Nautical Design (With 25% Discount) QNT 4 9 269.95332 470.000
    Interior Architecture (Paid) QNT 4 39 246.04271 645.251
    Interior Architecture (With Scholarship) QNT 4 10 363.41771 163.824
    Interior Architecture (With 25% Discount) QNT 4 19 264.78536 501.778
    Architecture (With Scholarship) QNT 4 6 414.46644 93.568
    Architecture (Paid) QNT 4 20 - -
    Architecture (With 50% Discount) QNT 4 9 - -
    Architecture (English) (With Scholarship)
    QNT 4 6 419,07858 88567
    Architecture (English) (Paid) QNT 4 20 - -
    Architecture (English) (With 50% Discount)
    QNT 4 14 - -

    *In order to be able to prefer a department (TR/EN) from the Faculty of Architecture and Design, you must rank in top 250.000 in QNT score type.

  • Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score SuccessRank
    Computer Engineering (English) (Paid) QNT 4 29 308.02774 298.718
    Computer Engineering (English) (With Scholarship) QNT 4 8 494.69394 22.081
    Computer Engineering (English) (With 25% Discount) QNT 4 18 328.01241 239.199
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English) (Paid) QNT 4 19    
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English) (With Scholarship) QNT 4 6 460.67966 48.693
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English) (With 25% Discount) QNT 4 18 346.91970 195.118
    Industrial Engineering (English) (Paid)  QNT 4 21 309.01906 295.382
    Industrial Engineering (English) (With Scholarship) QNT 4 7 468.61223 41.754
    Industrial Engineering (English) (With 25% Discount) QNT 4 18 310.53927 290.261
    Software Engineering (English) (Paid)  QNT 4 30 307.67758 299.934
    Software Engineering (English) (With Scholarship) QNT 4 8 481.85281 31.138
    Software Engineering (English) (With 25% Discount) QNT 4 19 358.35876 172.694

    *In order to be able to prefer a department (TR/EN) from the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, your success rank must be in top 300.000 in QNT score type.

  • Medical School
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Medicine (Paid)  QNT 6 48 - -
    Medicine (With Scholarship) QNT 6 12 511.13162 12.140
    Medicine (With 25% Discount)  QNT 6 18 460.38938 48.935
    Medicine (English) (Paid) QNT 6 36 - -
    Medicine (English) (With Scholarship)  QNT 6 10 517.71421 8.948
    Medicine (English) (With 25% Discount) QNT 6 18 472.13950 38.804

    *In order to be able to prefer Medical School (TR/EN), your success rank must be in top 50.000 in QNT score type.

  • Conservatory
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Composition and Orchestral Conducting (With Scholarship) TALENT 4 3 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Composition and Orchestral Conducting (Paid) TALENT 4 7 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Composition and Orchestral Conducting (With 25% Discount) TALENT 4 7 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Piano, Harp and Guitar (With Scholarship) TALENT 4 3 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Piano, Harp and Guitar (Paid) TALENT 4 8 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Piano, Harp and Guitar (With 25% Discount) TALENT 4 9 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Turkish Art Music (With Scholarship) TALENT 4 3 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Turkish Art Music (Paid) TALENT 4 8 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Turkish Art Music (With %25 Discount) TALENT 4 10 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Wind and Percussion Instruments (With Scholarship) TALENT 4 3 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Wind and Percussion Instruments (Paid) TALENT 4 8 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Wind and Percussion Instruments (With %25 Discount) TALENT 4 9 SPECIAL TALENT EXAM
    Strings (With Scholarship)
    Strings (With 25% Discount)
  • Nursery School
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score  Success Rank
    Nursery (Paid) QNT 4 55 233.08419 775.777
    Nursery (With Scholarship) QNT 4 10 360.12637 169.540
    Nursery (With 25% Discount) QNT 4 13 258.61434 543.866
  • Vocational School
    Department / Program Score Type Study Period Quota Base Score Success Rank
    Justice (With Scholarship) TYT 2 9 344.65414 461.162
    Justice (Paid) TYT 2 29 207.89880 2.420.709
    Justice (With 25% Discount) TYT 2 23 228.52726 2.006.524
    Anesthesia (Paid) TYT 2 37 226.36121 2.048.632
    Anesthesia (With Scholarship) TYT 2 10 341.79422 481.768
    Anesthesia (With 25% Discount) TYT 2 23 252.54815 1.571.131
    Banking and Insurance (With Scholarship) TYT 2 8 322.59264 641.433
    Banking and Insurance (Paid) TYT 2 27 196.40280 2.642.011
    Banking and Insurance (With 25% Discount) TYT 2 18 211,49972 2.347.350
    Computer Programming (With Scholarship) TYT 2 9 391.78303 220.699
    Computer Programming (Paid) TYT 2 32 253.61025 1.553.162
    Computer Programming (With 25% Discount) TYT 2 23 289.04827 1.020.670
    Child Development (With Scholarship) TYT 2 10 311.02396 757.678
    Child Development (Paid) TYT 2 32 192.15912 2.711.766
    Child Development (With 25% Discount) TYT 2 23 211.26477 2.352.145
    Public Relations and Publicity (With Scholarship) TYT 2 7 307.73389 793.535
    Public Relations and Publicity (Paid) TYT 2 20 184.48513 2.808.051
    Public Relations and Publicity (With 25 % Discount) TYT 2 18 200.16823 2.573.039
    First and Emergency Assistance (Paid) TYT 2 32 227.80897 2.020.520
    First and Emergency Assistance (With Scholarship) TYT 2 9 336.56513 521.385
    First and Emergency Assistance (With 25% Discount) TYT 2 24 242.25916 1.750.298
    Occupational Health and Safety (With Scholarship) TYT 2 5 303.39808 842.703
    Occupational Health and Safety (Paid) TYT 2 18 193.15941 2.696.064
    Occupational Health and Safety (With 25% Discount)
    TYT 2 13 205.10574 2.476.597
    Architectural Restoration (Paid)
    TYT 2 18 198.76106 2.599.612
    Architectural Restoration (With Scholarship)
    TYT 2 6 329.11765 582.908
    Architectural Restoration (With 25% Discount)
    TYT 2 16 207.49898 2.428.664
    Fashion Design (With Scholarship)
    TYT 2 4 338.16308 509.132
    Fashion Design (Paid) TYT 2 13 209.15996 2.395.140
    Fashion Design (With 25% Discount)
    TYT 2 13 215.35212 2.268.920
    Radio and Television Production (With Scholarship)
    TYT 2 7 226.8920 565.529
    Radio and Television Production (Paid) TYT 2 23 190.30242 2.738.865
    Radio and Television Production (With 25% Discount)
    TYT 2 18 211.34053 2.350.664
    Civil Aviation Transportation Management (With Scholarship) TYT 2 7 326.03622 609.830
    Civil Aviation Transportation Management (Paid) TYT 2 25 200.91287 2.558.971
    Civil Aviation Transportation Management (With 25% Discount) TYT 2 18 216.29732 2.249.779
    Civil Aviation Cabin Services (Paid) TYT 2 28 201.98579 2.538.255
    Civil Aviation Cabin Services (With Scholarship) TYT 2 9 351.63847 414.016
    Civil Aviation Cabin Services (With %25 Discount) TYT  2 23 256.45545 1.505.318
    Medical Imaging Techniques (With Scholarship) TYT 2 8 326.97455 601.489
    Medical Imaging Techniques(Paid) TYT 2 26 185.37593 2.799.169
    Medical Imaging Techniques(With 25% Discount) TYT 2 20 219.76985 2.179.213
    Tourism and Hotel Management (With Scholarship) TYT 2 6 314.44579 721.788
    Tourism and Hotel Management (Ücretli) TYT 2 18 201.53832 2.546.935
    Tourism and Hotel Management (With 25% Discount) TYT 2 16 221.44117 2.145.638
    Aircraft Technologies (Paid) TYT 2 32 233.59618 1.910.056
    Aircraft Technologies (With Scholarship) TYT 2 9 389.93952 227.181


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