Gastronomy and Culinary Arts

Compared to many other disciplines that have become the focus of young people in Turkey and the world in recent years, Gastronomy is a field of science that includes many different disciplines (business, marketing, art). The department examines the relationship between culture and food, including the selection of food ingredients, the preparation of food, and the presentation that includes art, beyond cooking.

The department in which practice and theoretical courses equally weigh includes kitchens (main kitchen, patisserie kitchen) equipped with technology at world standards. Students gain practical knowledge and skills about food and beverage techniques from Turkish and international cuisine. The program includes theoretical courses that enable students to be trained as qualified managers and directors. 

The mission of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Program is to train high qualified chefs, academicians and managers who have contemporary values in the food and beverage sector, are equipped with practical and theoretical knowledge and skills at international standarts and are capable of serving as senior manager.

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