Visual Communication Design

Communication environments have gone through a radical change in recent years and continue to offer new opportunities for both individuals and institutions day by day. The Department of Visual Communication Design aspires to train experts who develop design strategy and applications in both traditional and new media that include visual messages. 

The program, accredited by the Evaluation and Accreditation Board for Communication Education (ILEDAK) in 2020, starts with theoretical courses in design, communication and culture and introduction courses of the most commonly used computer applications in the communication industry, and continues with advanced level courses in 2D design, 3D design, web design, motion graphics and video applications. Our students take courses from faculty members and part-time instructors consisting of professionals who enable us to closely follow the communication sector. From third semester on, students specialize in the field of interest by taking elective courses from their departments or other departments. In jury meetings, which includes faculty members and sector experts and are organized for graduation projects, students have the chance to get feedback on the designs they create and improve their understanding of the sector. 

Students of the Department of Visual Communication Design can apply government agencies, press outlets, advertising agencies, digital agencies and other private organizations as well as Maltepe University for their 30-day compulsory internship. In addition to serving as academician, graduates can produce program content and make various visual designs in production companies, radio and television channels.

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